Jun 4Liked by Storm Chasers w/ Jeff Brown

thank you for a well written piece and I agree 100% with you

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Absolutely nailed it. I’ve been trying to say many of these same points and by some people I’ve gotten “oh, you’re not a Caitlin Clark fan”. To which I reply, A) her game is off the charts impressive. B) being disappointed in how she (her coach; the media, Lin Dunn, her fans) have been handling it, does NOT mean I hate her.

Here’s the thing, I’m *not* a fan of the trash talking, (what I call) ref-barkers who are constantly looking at the refs for calls on defensive moves that they themselves are getting away with too. I can appreciate part of her game and not another (I’ll offer DeWanna Bonner for a non CC example).

I’m disappointed that they (CC/coach/media/etc) are feeding the “victim” narrative, while Angel Reese has simply impressed me in her pressers. When she got leveled by AT, she welcomed it as part of the game. Her comments are (often) taken out of context fueling the black vs white narrative, but Angel’s been hearing negatives since college, and she is rising above it in a way I hadn’t seen from her early college pressers.

One last note, I’ve noticed that teams are just a lot more physical this year period. I thought the Mystics’ Hines Allen and Edwards were head hunting Nneka that game at home.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

Great comments, per usual. As a Storm fan, it pains me to do so, but I'd like to add Skylar to the list of ref-barkers. If she twirls her fingers one more time requesting a review with 8 mintues left in the first quarter, my head might explode :-).

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Omg, yes! I love SDS, but she is def a barker. At least she owns it tho. AC is another one—-one of the best defenders but she always turns to the ref looking for the foul.

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Good summary! DT and others said she would struggle early given the defenses are consistently tougher. Clark will be a great player once she figures out the game is more physical. Will they ever call her for her constant pushing off?

Racism is a problem. Clark is a new level of media coverage but Sabrina received a lot of attention when she entered the league. The white gals definitely have more media coverage. Carter is like the D. Green of the League - will have a short career if she doesn’t figure it out.

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Love this nuanced post. I especially love the point that new W fans say that CC must be only struggling because the players are out to get her, when the reality is the level of playing is really great to begin with, so of course CC will need to time adjust.

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I was having this conversation with someone and said that they didn't understand why players didn't just try to outplay her instead of playing rough and making sure she has a bad game... Well, she is outplayed, in almost every game, by better players. She's a rookie, there's nothing wrong with her not hitting her college numbers. She's still been good, but some think she's the best player in the league but isn't being allowed to play.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

I completely agree. I feel like a lot of these comments come from people who haven't watched the league before and don't understand the level of play. Look at where Sabrina I and Kelsey P started and where they are now. It took a year or two. There's no shame in that.

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Thanks for writing such an insightful, candid piece. There's absolutely nothing I'd take issue with. It always gets tricky when nuance is required of people, hence the loudmouths. Anyway, once again, Chennedy Carter made herself look like a complete clown. I wish for her sake she'd just let her game speak for itself.

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The out-there rookies need to earn respect, not demand it. Get rid of the chip on the shoulder. And Carter’s proclivity for bad behavior already precedes her, how many strikes is it now?

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Great piece ! Twitter is a hell hole right now but im glad to see a column like this. Keep up the great work

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Spot on, and thanks for writing this in a way that I think is an accessible read for the people who are new who want to do better.

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That is a great article.... nice work. The hoops game is finally getting some national air times and news reporting to highlight what is on the court. Good thing! Love the comparisons on the men's game in the 80's and 90's, spot on. Solid defense making every bucket count.

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Appreciate this, Jeff. Spot on. It's tough for us old head fans to see some of this commentary.

Clark is a generational talent, and she's also a rookie PG with a lot of scoring responsibilities. Of course defenses are going to come hard at her. She will need to get stronger just like Kelsey Plum and Sabrina did.

What Carter did was sadly typical of her game and uncalled for. But whatever Caitlin said to her after elbowing her coming up the floor happened, too.

The W is physical, full of trash talk, and a lot of fun because of it. Those expecting Clark to be given a red carpet and never receive a single hand check because she's "grown the game" are exhausting. She has to earn her place in history like every other rookie did -- and she will.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

Great to see Ezi extended today!!

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What some people overlook is that Clark has never been an efficient shooter or a good defender. She needs improvement in both those areas to be great in this league whether people are being physical with her or not.

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I appreciated Coach TSpoon's statement after the hip check. This is the kind of class and dignity that makes me love the W. "Physical play, intensity, and a competitive spirit are hallmarks of Chicago Sky basketball. Chennedy got caught up in the heat of the moment in an effort to win the game. She and I have discussed what happened and that it was not appropriate, nor is it what we do or who we are. Chennedy understands that there are better ways to handle situations on the court, and she will learn from this as we all will. As a team, we will grow together and continue to work hard to display strong leadership and set a positive example for our competitors, fans, and partners."

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Reese cheering the cheap was a bad look for her. The follow up press conference with Carter was even worse.

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You all need to see the entire ESPN WNBA video when all 3 players (Angel, Chennedy, and Caitlyn) can be seen in the same frame. At 16 seconds after Boston retrieves the ball, was it a coincidence or a fluke Angel had her right arm raised and then lowered in sequence with the flagrant foul. Foul occurred in the 3rd qtr with the Sky easily leading. Why would only one player on the bench raise her arm and not clap for her team scoring and instead cheer/clap after witnessing the flagrant foul? Angel & Chennedy are across from each other and do have time to make eye contact or signal each other. If Caitlin is sidelined with an injury, who is the rookie player most likely to believe she would be next in line as the face of the WNBA? Whole incident reminded me of the Gladiator movie scene when the emperor gives thumbs down-die. Pretty weird and scary stuff.

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